
so there i was, 43 minutes into my 45 minute roller episode listening to lemon jelly when their song called “experiment number 6″ started playing… this is a weird song; it talks about pulse rates, pupils dilating, body temperature, and blood pressure accompanied by a heavy techno beat.  all while i am sweating profusely just trying to finish my set. it’s actually a very good song to listen to when your very tired.


well, the days before yesterday’s indoor ride was  a mild disaster.  i chose to listen to natasha bedingfield while i rode.  unfortunately,  i was unaware that 95% of her songs are ballads.  i realized this after the third song…but kept hoping that it would change soon.  i was using the album as a timer my goal was to get through about 12 songs which would equate to about 45 minutes.  i usually don’t ride indoors so i didn’t want to do an hour and a half like i did the one time last year. i guess my strategy kind of worked because i feel like riding indoors again.

on yesterday’s ride to work i was like a dog being untied from his leash.  i was thrilled to not be inside, and i was on my super light road bike for a change.  i never used to call it super light it weighs about 20 pounds, but compared to my bianchi it is “super light”.  the bianchi is super heavy right now, it has both panniers, and the studded tires, it’s like riding a tractor to work.  anyway, i felt light and free on my road bike, and i decided to not listen to natasha, and opted for paul okenfold instead.  it was a good choice….i think i made it to work in about 45 minutes. each song was more heart pumping that the next.  there was no rest.  i arrived at work dripping wet, even though it was 19 degrees outside.

the ride home was equally as cold, but dark, and no music.  i don’t like to use music at night, a little too dangerous.

today i’m driving in….. so i’ll be on the rollers tonight.